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"Meeting of the Minds!" Saturday, Sept. 10th Vermont and NH Memory Cafes Sharing Session @

A message from Mick Byers, of The Valley Cafe in White River Junction Greetings Fellow Café Pioneers! We are going to have another ‘Meeting of the Minds’ Brainstorming Session. This is a time when we can all get together and share the successes and failures we’ve had, the roadblocks we’re facing and our vision for the future of our respective cafes. We hope to also see some new faces to make our network even stronger. Because I don’t do anything unless there is food involved, we’ll be supplying some snackage and drinks for everyone. I look forward to hanging out with you all. Please feel free to forward this to any who may be interested in beginning a Memory Café. RSVP to my contact information below. The planned date for this event in on September 10th at 11:30 am, after Montpelier’s Memory café at the Montpelier Senior Activity Center. If you have any questions or concerns about the meeting, you can contact me [Mick Byers] at: or call me at 802-280-1910.

I look forward to seeing you all!



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