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Next Montpelier Memory Cafe is Saturday, February 14th, 2015

The next Montpelier Memory Cafe is happening on Saturday, February 14th, and will feature a Valentine theme with our very special guest, Geof Hewitt, resident of Calais, Vermont, past winner of the Vermont Poetry Slam competition, and author of The Perfect Heart:Selected and New Poems (Mayapple Press, 2010). Geof is a master at engaging his audience in poetry with humor, laughter and fun. We enjoyed his visit in March 2014 so much that we couldn't wait to have him return for a repeat performance!

The Cafe is from 10 AM to 11:30 AM at MSAC (Montpelier Senior Activity Center - 58 Barre Street, Montpelier, Vermont) ; participants are encouraged to bring their favorite love poem to share. Pictures of themselves with sweethearts, loved ones, best friends, grandchildren or others will be used to prompt "Loving Memories", and songs of love will be featured as well.

For more information contact Liz Dodd at 802-229-9630

Upcoming Memory Cafés

Saturday, February 14th - 10 AM at MSAC

Saturday, March 14th - 10 AM at MSAC


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